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Apprenticeships for Employers

Apprenticeships - good for business

About Apprenticeships

Have you ever considered hiring an apprentice?

With the new Trailblazer Apprenticeship scheme and the support of Access Financial Services, there has never been a better time to include an apprentice in your team.

Finding, hiring and training a new apprentice is easier than you might think. You can even place existing employees on an apprenticeship, boosting the skills within your workforce without recruiting new staff.

Anyone over the age of 16 is eligible to train under the scheme, making apprenticeships a fantastic way for adults of any age to continue their education while in paid work.

What are the benefits of hiring as apprentice?

Trailblazer apprenticeships are a great way for individuals to continue learning, but there are also fantastic benefits for you and your organisation.

You don’t have to do it on your own. Access Financial Services are here to help you and your apprentice get the most out of the scheme.

The benefits of hiring an apprentice / training existing staff:

  • Boost productivity
  • Improve employee motivation
  • Part of the programme cost is funded by the government
  • Government incentives could make hiring an apprentice cost positive
  • Coaching and mentoring from Access Financial Services’s expert trainers
  • Training is designed to minimise disruption to day-to-day business activity

How to recruit and support an Apprentice

When you decide to recruit a new apprentice, it’s important to find the right candidate for the role. If you’ve got a current member of staff in mind, you’re already ahead of the game.

If you’re looking for someone new, Access Financial Services are here to help with this crucial first stage.

But our support doesn’t stop there. Beyond recruitment, Access Financial Services will offer your apprentice the essential training they need to succeed.

We can help you with the whole apprenticeship process including:

  • Advertising your apprenticeship vacancies.
  • Assisting in the recruitment process.
  • Delivering quality training and assessment.
  • Providing regular feedback on the apprentice’s performance. 

How can I find out more?

At Access Financial Services, we’re here to help you through the whole process of recruiting and training an apprentice. To find out more about the support we offer, please complete the Contact form on this page.

If you’d like to contact one of our friendly consultants directly, we’d be happy to offer our guidance.

Please, get in touch:

Tel: 0800 999 39 39
Email: karl@accessfs.co.uk